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5 Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing an Autism Parenting Coach

When it comes to getting support for your autistic child, there are tons of options out there. But when you as the parent of an autistic kid need some help, things get a little trickier...


You may have considered hiring an autism parent coach, and that's a great option! But before you...

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Autism 101 For Parents: How Meditation Can Help You...And Why You Should Do It

As the parent of an autistic child, you know you face a lot of struggles…


But what if I told you that you’re not alone, and that there’s an easy, free way to help boost your mood, stave off stress-related health challenges, and connect more deeply with your child? 

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Guided Meditation: Affirmations for Parents of Autistic Children

Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that we (and our kids!) are doing the best we can. If you need a bit of a pick-me-up, listen to these parenting affirmations I created specifically for parents of autistic children…

The video provides a quick way to connect with yourself, affirm all...

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Autism 101 For Parents: What You Need To Know About Your Childā€™s Education

One of the most challenging parts of raising an autistic child is figuring out how they will be educated, and working (fighting?!) with your local school district to get them the support and resources they need...


Parents of autistic children want to get the most out of the education...

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Developmental Preschool: Is it Right For Your Autistic Child?

Parents of young autistic children often struggle to find resources with information about the best way to raise their children. There are so many questions, and it seems like there are so few answers…


One of the first questions you'll make is whether to send your autistic child to...

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What is Therapy Unschooling?

Could it be the right fit for your family?


If you’re looking for a non-confrontational alternative to traditional schooling, the idea of unschooling might sound right up your alley


And when you have an autistic child you’re homeschooling, this path offers you a...

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Empowering Education: Maximizing the IEP Planning Process for Your Autistic Child

10 Simple Strategies To Help Parents of Autistic Kids Succeed With The IEP Process

For many parents raising autistic children, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is an important part of their day-to-day lives. In this article, you will discover how to navigate the IEP planning process for...

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What Should You Prioritize for Your Autistic Child: School or Therapy?

The decision about whether to invest time in therapy versus school can be a tough one for parents of autistic children.


Some parents of autistic children choose to homeschool their children and skip traditional schooling entirely. Others opt to send their children to a mainstream school...

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The Power of Planning: How To Manage Your Autistic Child's Therapy Schedule

9 Tips For Fitting Private Therapies for Your Autistic Child into Your Weekly Schedule


Many parents find themselves trying to balance the demands of work, family, and home life while caring for an autistic child. Some of us find ourselves spending too much time worrying about our...

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Guided Meditation for Autism Parents: Navigating the Autism Diagnosis Process

The autism diagnosis process is long, difficult, and full of stress. That’s why I created this quick,  7-minute guided meditation where I help you release stress, and get back to a place of calm.

Perfect for listening to after you get done filling out a bunch of paperwork, getting off...

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