As an Autism Parent, you deserve daily moments of self-care and peace...

Download Your Free Copy of 

Mindful Moments:  

Meditations and Affirmations for Autism Parents 

I'm Saying YES to self-care!


Inside Mindful Moments you'll discover three quick and easy guided meditations...


Designed to help you relieve stress, reduce tension, and feel like yourself again in less than 10 minutes!


Affirmation Meditation


Sometimes, the best words of encouragement come from yourself!


Guided Body Scan



A quick reset for a happier, healthier, calmer you.


Stress Relief 



Harness the power of four-square breathing to release tension and feel your best!

Plus, you'll get 37 powerful daily affirmations...

  • Choose one to repeat out loud or silently to yourself.

  • Write 'em down and stick 'em around your space as a reminder of how great you and your kiddo are really doing.

  • Let them encourage you...and show you that you're doing a wonderful job caring for your child.

  • Affirmations let you know you're getting the self-care you deserve, even on the hard days.

  • There is no wrong way to use them!

All this and free membership inside 


The Autism Parent

Support Group!


Your go-to place for the self-care-focused community you've been searching for.

Ready to join a group of amazing autism parents
and get the self-care you deserve...all for free?

It's time to start feeling like "you" again...

100% SPAM-free zone, your info is safe with me.


I'm Karen...

Neurospicy Autism Mom & Self-Care Coach for Autism Parents


Raising an autistic child can be challenging. Trust me, I know! And finding time for yourself can feel impossible...

That's why I created Mindful Moments to help you get the self-care you need in 5 minutes a day, or less. No matter what else is going on in your life!